Night of stars at castell de Lladurs

Astronomical and historical experience enjoying the spectacle of a starry night. We will contemplate the starry sky from a unique place with more than 1000 years of history such as Lladurs Castle. From its tower we will see the entire celestial vault without obstacles and observe the stars with a powerful telescope. The activity starts […]

Travel through the galaxies

The night sky of MónNatura Pirineus has spectacular features to enjoy an astronomy session without light and air pollution. During this activity, we will enjoy a star show, with a first indoor session in the planetarium that will culminate, after dark, with an outdoor visit to the astronomical observatory. In case of rain or poor […]

Guided tour of the old Trepat factory in Tàrrega

The former J. Trepat agricultural machinery factory is an industrial space that opens up to the visitor as a trip to the past due to its impeccable state of conservation. Harvesters and reapers would be the protagonists of the transformation of work in the countryside, and would influence as engines of change towards a modern […]

Route: El Tarròs. Beyond Companys

El Tarròs. Beyond Lluís Companys (1934-1940). A tour about the recent history in a rural area of Catalonia through collective memory. Tour arround Lluís Companys’ birthplace, who was the president of the Catalan Government (1934-19940). We will talk about daily life, education, agriculture, during the II Republic and Francoist dictatorship, and even spiritualism too. We […]

Visit to the Gerri de la Sal Museum

Visit the old salt warehouse where you can discover how mountain salt is made. Visit the first floor of the museum where it is explained what work was done in the warehouse, how the salt arrived, was stored, milled and sold, how it is that in Gerri salt can be made and how it is […]

Visit to the highest Iberian settlement in Catalonia

The settlement of Sta. Creu de Llagunes is located at 1628m. high at the head of the Siarb valley, Soriguera municipality, on the southern slope of the Orri Massif, in the area of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park. It is the highest archaeological site in Catalonia. The visit consists on a guided tour to the […]

Guided visit to the Tavascan Hydroelectric Power Station

Visit the interior of the Tavascan Hydroelectric Power Plant and enter into its underground galleries hidden in the depths of the mountain. The visit consists of two parts. Initially, the Water Interpretation Center is visited, where the visitor gets in touch with the history of the infrastructure as well as its operation. This is achieved […]

Guided tour of the Botigues Museu Salàs

The Salàs de Pallars Museum Stores are committed to a unique museum proposal. It consists of the setting of 9 vintage stores based on the recovery and exhibition of everyday consumer goods generated from the second industrial revolution (second half of the 19th century) to the end of the Franco regime (late 70s). The atmosphere […]

Literary route (L’Ombra del vent)

You can read any book, but just with few, it’s possible to live and breathe them. We present this walking tour as a unique opportunity to wander around the amazing Barcelona depicted in “The Shadow of the Wind”, a novel that has captivated thousands of readers all around the world. From letters to words, from […]