The spectacular colours of the blossom on the fruit trees of the comarques (local districts) of Lleida and Terres de l’Ebre are an invitation to enjoy magnificent visits, whether organised or undertaken alone, to extensive fields and orchards in flower. Such trips can also be combined with other leisure, gastronomic and cultural activities.

The flowering of the sweet fruit and almond trees has become a scenic show of the highest order. It allows visitors who travel to the comarques of Lleida and Terres de l’Ebre between the months of February and April to enjoy a unique sensory experience in which the colours (white, yellow, green and pink), textures, and aromas of the fruit trees are beautifully combined.

More and more municipalities are offering interesting proposals related to this product. For example, the Ajuntament (local council) of Aitona, which has been one of the leading promoters of blossom tourism in the territory of Lleida, takes pride of place on account of its “Fruiturisme” (Fruit Tourism) campaign and the “Sponsor a fruit tree” initiative, which seeks to encourage the consumption of quality fruit such as nectarines, peaches and flat peaches.

Or in the Ribera d’Ebre, where you can enjoy this natural spectacle with activities such as car rides, or cycling and hiking tours around the municipalities of Flix, Tivissa, La Serra d’Almos or Ginestar, among others.

In addition to this cultural and scenic framework, the flowering of the fruit trees also comes at what is a very special time for the rural population. It rewards the effort, investment and care for fields made by a sector that forms a vital part of both the local economy and society.

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