Our next stop will be Balaguer, where we will regain our strength with a coca de recapte, made, of course, with peppers and eggplant from the Lleida gardens. The panoramic road between Balaguer and Baronia de Sant Oïsme is a journey through beautiful landscapes, with views over the Segre river and the magnificent Camarasa reservoir. The landscape around the reservoir, overlooking the Montsec mountain range, is conducive to hiking —one stage of the GR-1 passes through it—, observing cave paintings and even flying in a low-altitude balloon or hang glider. These landscapes are a good prelude to what awaits us at the Congost de Mont-Rebei. The vertiginous landscape and most famous rock in Catalonia can be explored on foot, through a narrow pass, or in a kayak along the Noguera-Ribagorçana river. We decide to stay on land and walk between stone walls whose height, in some sections, exceeds five hundred metres.