The sun will just have risen when we cross the Bay of Roses , one of the most beautiful bays in the world, and reach the windy, watery landscapes of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park. During the early hours of the day the birds that inhabit the marshlands are much more active, and their singing will be the soundtrack for a moment of profound relaxation. Passing wetlands, marshes, rice paddies and farmhouses, we will eventually reach the Empúries Ruins, the location where the Greeks and Romans entered the peninsula. They tell us that the entrance to the walled city was where the tabernae were found, premises in which something like wine was served; the higher-quality drinks were reserved for the convivium, gatherings featuring feasts of food and wine from the Tarraconense province of which Empúries was a part. The beach in front of the ruins offers the opportunity to swim by the wharf where, twenty-five centuries ago, Greek boats docked.

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