Keys to the Churches of La Cerdanya is a project in collaboration with the Diocese of Urgell that aims to raise awareness of the most spectacular interiors of the churches in our region. We suggest two tours of four churches each, in the company of a guide specialised in Pyrenean heritage. On the Solana route, visit the churches of Santa Maria d’All (Isòvol), Santa Maria de Quadres (Isòvol), Santa Cecília de Bolvir, and Sant Climent de Talltorta (Bolvir); and on the Obaga route, the churches of Santa Maria de Talló (Bellver de Cerdanya), Sant Julià de Pedra (Bellver de Cerdanya), Sant Joan Baptista de Riu de Cerdanya, and Sant Pere d’Alp. We have drawn up a calendar of visits you can sign up for on this website.