Ports EcoMuseum

To know the natural and cultural heritage of the massif of Els Ports.

Tortosa Guided Walking Tour

We will begin the guided walking tour of Tortosa by observing the giant model of the Tortosa Cathedral. Then, from the Plaza del Paiolet, we will take a route through the streets of the city centre and discover the most emblematic places in Tortosa.

Lleida sightseeing ( city tour )

The city has one of the longest pedestrian shopping streets in Europe with one of the most charming monumental itineraries in Lleida.

Visit to the Castle of the Templars of Gardeny

The Castle constitutes one of the most outstanding testimonies of the 12th century Templar architecture. The buildings that can be visited are: the tower-room, the keep and the Romanesque church of Santa María de Gardeny. Includes the projection of an audiovisual.

Monumental guided tour of Montblanc

You will walk through the streets and squares avoiding crowds, doing the explanations in wide and little-traveled spaces such as the Plaza Mayor or the Plaza de Santa Maria, to contemplate the popularly known Cathedral of the mountain. The tour will end the visit in a tower of the wall (of Peter III) and a […]

Vermouth and stores with history in Reus

Guided tour to know the oldest stores in Reus and the vermouth culture. We will visit hundred-year-old shops, which are authentic museums of daily life and local commerce. This is a tour to discover the little stories behind each counter and the past of a city closely linked to trade and vermouth.

Visit to the Poble Vell of Corbera d’Ebre

Walk through the Historic Site, tour through the old streets of a town in ruins, discovering the Alphabet of Liberty, and visit the Old Church, converted into a cultural center.

Visit to the Terra Alta Wine Cathedrals

A visit to our Cooperative is a must for both the historical and the viticultural part of Terra Alta and to be able to better understand the process of creating wine and oil, apart from a didactic tasting.