Mercantic. The Sant Cugat Vintage Village
Mercantic is a small vintage village of second-hand dealers, antique dealers, artisans and artists where different things happen every day. It is a point of reference in Europe for lovers of collecting and decoration. Mercantic hosts about a hundred merchants grouped in an area of about 15,000 m2, distributed between the well-known Nau Central and […]
Free visit and Astronòmic meal at the Monestir de les Avellanes
This experience allows you to enjoy your stay at the Avellanes Monastery and one of Montsec’s resources of interest, such as its night sky. The visit to the Astronomical Park of Montsec includes the guided visit to the Ull del Montsec: it is a 3D digital multimedia planetarium with a movable dome of 12 meters […]
Guided visit to the Castle of Ciutadilla
Guided visit to the Castle of Ciutadilla.
Visit Verdú Castle
From the Verdú Tourist Office we offer guideds visits to the historic centre of Verdú. Tours of the old town of Verdú that allow you to know the history. Verdú is a small town full of history, of manor houses with illustrious characters, it is the town of black pottery, and wine. The guided tour […]
Free visit to the Roman villa of Els Munts
Declared World Heritage, the Roman Villa of the Mountains is one of the most important villas in Spain. It is a residential area, with rich decorative elements, gardens and other luxuries typical of a prominent character of the Roman Tarraco. There was no shortage of large rooms, bathrooms, mosaics, paintings, statues and spectacular views of […]
Modernism in Sant Joan Despí (Jujol-Can Negre) and Esplugues with La Rajoleta and Can Tinturé
Under the name of Museus d’Esplugues de Llobregat, you can discover the two museums of the city: Can Tintré and La Rajoleta, with ceramics as the common thread. La Rajoleta Ceramic Museum is located on the site of the old Pujol i Bausis factory. From its kilns, which are still preserved and can be visited, […]
Delve into the caves of Montserrat and the medieval Collbató
The mountain of Montserrat hides more than 100 caves inside, but the one we call Les Coves de Montserrat (also known as the Salnitre), is located in Collbató, and is the only one that allows a 400 meter long underground walk enjoying of tourist conditioning. Collbató is a millenary nucleus that dates back to the […]
Catalunya en miniatura
The Sagrada Família, Camp Nou, Montserrat, Sant Pere de Rodes, the Romanesque churches of Vall de Boí… It is possible to show your children these and many more icons of Catalonia in one day. How? Visiting Catalonia in Miniature, the largest miniature park in Europe. The theme park, declared of National Tourist Interest, is only […]
Experience Gaudí by creating your own Gaudí-style mosaic souvenir
Creating mosaics like Gaudi: As the founder I was motivated to create an authentic experience for visitors who are inspired by the mosaic art, the Trencadís of Antonio Gaudí. I offer them the opportunity to learn this mosaic technique « El Trencadís », and create their own souvenir of Barcelona and also appreciate the work involved in […]
Visit Montserrat
For art lovers, this visit includes the visit to the Throne of the Virgin, the Open-Air Museum (with audio-guide), the entrance to the « Montserrat Portes Endins » Audiovisual room and the Museum of Montserrat.