The wildcat is an animal that resides in the vicinity of MónNatura Pirineus; it is highly elusive, venturing out mainly at night and highly adept at concealing itself. We have a good understanding of its habitual route by tracking its footprints. However, today, at the end of the path, we lost its trail. Can you help us? Using a map, we will trace the wildcat’s footprints and explore ten points of interpretation, allowing us to learn about the fantastical landscape of Planes de Son, the cohabiting creatures like moles and ants, the high-mountain flora and intriguing facts that are bound to pique your curiosity. During the activity, you will encounter various challenges that you must overcome to follow the path of the wildcat. The activity is conducted through a mobile application, enabling you to witness the “unseen” and immerse yourself in nature with all your senses.